Has your child begun to show signs of thumb-sucking? Thumb sucking is a condition in which your child begins with suck their thumb. Due to the fact that it can disrupt the proper growth and alignment of teeth, the bad habit will need to be eradicated through various techniques. For additional help with breaking thumb sucking in children, visit our pediatric dentist. Bad habits will need to be eradicated through various techniques. For additional help with eliminating thumb sucking in children, visit our pediatric dentist.
Rather than waiting for a child’s smile to be disrupted due to thumb sucking, it is important to break the habit as soon as possible. Typically, children use it as a security blanket, so you’ll need to offer top praise and confidence-boosting words to help raise their self-esteem and make them less reliant on sucking their thumbs. Furthermore, be sure to alert them of the dangers of sucking their thumb and in some cases, it may even be more helpful to switch them onto other similar habits such as pacifiers. Not only can thumb sucking cause changes in a child’s teeth alignment, but it can also even introduce new bacteria into their mouth.
For more information about pediatric dentistry and thumb sucking, you can speak with Dr. Sunil Ilapogu and our team by calling us at 805-644-5516. If your child requires a comprehensive oral exam or biannual professional cleanings from Sunny Smiles Dentistry, our office is located in Ventura, California.